Since established, MoCo Marble Tiles aims to provide outstanding and impressive solutions for our customers. We have established our own R&D center for product design and product development. We strictly follow the standard quality control processes to ensure our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. In addition, we provide after-sales services for customers throughout the whole world. Customers who want to know more about our new product Large Format Stone Tiles or our company, just contact us.
Ceiling tiles are decorative pieces of tiles, attached to the ceiling to add aesthetic value to a space. Ceiling tiles may look hard to install but they are actually quite simple. You can find ceiling tiles of any designs or customize them yourself. Different colors, textures, sizes, there’s plenty to choose from. If you’re looking to make your space unique and add a wow factor, visit to connect with the best manufacturers and suppliers of ceiling tiles from around the globe. had made your path easier, by bringing all the information and products you may need a few clicks away from you. All you have to do is get in touch with the suppliers from MoCo Marble Tiles and order your favorites.
Unlike other ceramic tiles composed of several non-organic materials, porcelain tiles are made of a single material produced using a press system. Porcelain tiles are a combination of earth and clay pressed under high pressure and then baked under high temperatures. By pressing the tiles are often heavier than a tile with clay. However, they will be very abrasion resistant and frost proof. This type of tiling is often rectified, that is to say, intersected in the factory to an exact dimension for a better aesthetics and a minimum width of joints between the tiles. It is important to note that the enamel layer of this product makes it more sensitive to shocks.This material is the most versatile of all, it allows use both indoors and outdoors, and can be laid on walls or floors. They are very resistant, with a tension force of 2000 N and a material thickness of 15 mm, which can reach 8000 N. The porcelain is very dense, which makes its porosity negligible and its capacity to absorb the porcelain. Even though most of the porcelain tiles now on the market have much lower absorption levels (0.02 and 0.05%), we can have a Porcelain almost impermeable and very resistant to frost and temperature changes.There are different types of porcelain tiles; polished, unpolished, unglazed and enameled. The hardness of unpolished porcelain is higher than that of polished porcelain and is classified between 6 and 8 for the non-polished, 3 and 5 for the polished. The color of the porcelain tile is usually determined by changing the combination of soil and clay, but it is also possible to apply a layer of enamel or polish it. The moisture absorption of this tile is extremely low (values below 0.04%). These tiles have a high scratch resistance and are very suitable for the bathroom. It is more suitable for exteriors and interior areas like the kitchen, where it is more likely that heavy objects fall to the ground. It also has more hardness, and its back is grayish white.The tendency to use this material grows every day and, consequently, the range of formats also grows, but large sizes of tiles are entering the market faster, and we can see large sizes of tiles.Since they are used in different flooring applications, porcelain tiles are a must for different projects, and you can get tiles in bulk at MoCo Marble Tiles. We have a huge list of tiles manufacturers, suppliers, and companies that are willing to offer you impressive quality and quantity. So check out our list of tiles vendors above and select any of them to get quote and details about the products.
Mosaic tiles are timeless and are being applied more and more. You can use them as an accent wall in the bathroom or the toilet, but in the living room or the kitchen, the mosaic tile cannot be ignored. Not only on the walls but also on the floors they are still used. Here we think of shower floors or a room in a hall or living room.Mosaic tiles are also perfect for combining with ordinary tiles. Mosaic is increasingly used in living rooms and businesses. There is a space choice of mosaic tiles, and therefore there is a lot to vary. Mosaic tiles also exist in different sizes. For a modern or sleek design, it is usually chosen for glass and ceramic mosaics. To create a classic atmosphere, natural stone mosaic tiles can be used again. With mosaic tiles, you can vary endlessly. Not only in size and style, but also in pattern and color. For example, a mosaic is known for displaying beautiful figures.Mosaic tiles are available in different types. Here you can think of ceramic, hard stone, marble, slate, travertine and glass mosaic. Mosaic tiles are also perfect for combining with ordinary tiles. Mosaic is increasingly used in living rooms and businesses. There is a space choice of mosaic tiles, and therefore there is a lot to vary with. Mosaic tiles also exist in different sizes. For a modern or sleek design, it is usually chosen for glass and ceramic mosaics. To create a classic atmosphere, natural stone mosaic tiles can be used again. With mosaic tiles, you can vary endlessly. Not only in size and style, but also in pattern and color. Using different colors allows you to obtain the pattern as desired. Mosaic is not only very decorative but also very practical. It is easy to take and therefore very hygienic. Also, a mosaic tile is moisture-proof, so that moisture cannot penetrate the walls.Mosaic are small tiles, which have a lasting decorative added value. The most important aspect of mosaic tiles is their decorative character. Mosaic tiles come in several versions, including ceramic mosaics, glass mosaics, natural stone mosaics. As far as finishes and colors are concerned, there is a broad range of products in different price categories. So if you’re looking for premium quality mosaic tiles for flooring projects then go through our list of popular mosaic tiles manufacturers and suppliers above and get a quote to know more. Now you can buy mosaic tiles in bulk through MoCo Marble Tiles without any difficulties.
It is a dream for everyone to decorate and adorn their home in a way that offers welcoming and eye catching feeling to the decors. Ways of home decoration vary from person to person according to their likes, culture, and options. But one thing always holds a great significance in home decoration, and it is the selection of roof tiles. Tiles are decorative blocks and sheets made from ceramic of calcium carbonate. Roof tiles are installed on the roof of a house, office, industries, institutes and come in different shapes, sizes, colors, designs, and types. A selection of good roof tiles not only enhances the overlook of your home but it allows you to reflect your ideas in creating a breathtaking home décor. Many suppliers are offering high-quality roof tiles in bulk that are ideal for use in indoor and outdoor spaces with increased life span and durability. So, if you’re interested in getting them, MoCo Marble Tiles brings these Roof Tiles manufacturers and suppliers to fulfill your wishes. If you’re thinking of buying these Roof Tiles in bulk, you can use the above collection to find reputable suppliers and manufacturers of Roof Tiles.
对于石材人而言,冬季石材护理这个问题,是怎样都绕不过的的难题,随着天气转冷,室外的作业难以进行,正在进行的护理作业往往会遇到一些问题,比如防护施工、再结晶处理效果不佳、冻融现象等。 大理石石材养护图片 冬季温度低,直接影响防护施工的效果,那么,冬季如何做好石材护理呢?1.冬季石材护理常需要防水处理、防污染处理等防护工程,但涂装防护作业需要适当的温度。防护涂装后石材需要养生,防护发挥真正的作用。 常温下,湿度70%以内,防护养生时间需要48小时。而温度每下降10度,防护养生则需要增加2-4倍时间。因为养生耗费时间太长所以在寒冷的冬季,特别是0度以下的环境中,不建议进行防护施工。 2.我们知道,低温环境会影响石材再结晶处理效果,石材再结晶处理是结晶剂在专业设备抛磨下发生化学反应,石材表面晶格进得到重组,形成了更坚固更稳定的化学成份。而化学反应需要合适的温度,常温下石材结晶的效果和效率相对较好。 石材护理同行朋友可能遇到过这种情况:底下铺装了地暖的石材,在进行抛光时表面容易发干,不容易抛出好效果。在寒冷的北方,对靠近玻璃幕墙的石材进行抛光,石材表面的效果也出不来,这主要是因为玻璃旁边温度低,影响了石材的化学结晶反应。 3.低温还会造成石材的冻融现象,冻融现象就是冬季寒冷时,石材缝隙内部或者周边结冰,产生膨胀作用。石材孔隙内水结冰产生的应力,是造成石材裂纹的原因之一。懂得物化原理的人知道,石材微孔孔径越小,孔内水的蒸汽压相应降低,凝固点下降。在一些极细的微孔中,水的凝固点可下降数十摄氏度。因此微孔较小的石材不易受到冰冻的破坏,而一些孔隙较大的石材如金碧辉煌、金花米黄,裂隙处理容易遭到冰冻的破坏。 为了避免和减少冻融现象对石材表面的破坏,对于室内外经常遇水的石材,我们要提前做好防护处理,防止石材内部吸入大量水份,造成石材结冰现象。 4.下雪后,要做好融雪剂对石材影响的预防工作,为了防止路滑或快速除雪,路面上往往要撒工业融雪剂。融雪剂是一种可以降低冰雪融化温度的化学药剂,主要成份是醋酸钾和氯盐。常用的融雪剂一般是价格低廉的氯盐,这种融雪剂对柏油路有一定腐蚀性。 抛撒在路面上的融雪剂,被行人的鞋子带到建筑物大厅的石材地面上,会腐蚀石材地面,造成地面的失光。针对这种情况,我们需要提前铺贴好室外刮水地垫,室内石材地面也要铺好吸水地垫,做好防御系统。冰雪融化之后,要及时做好大厅地面清洗工作,清除完残留的融雪剂,并做好石材表面的结晶抛光工作。 打个生动的比喻,天冷了人们要加衣服保暖,而石材也是有生命的。也会感到寒冷,进入寒冬季节,我们要及时为石材披上保暖的“外套”。 文章链接来源
Tags: porcelain stone floor tiles, large slab porcelain, stone look ceramic tile, stone tiles outdoor, stone wall tiles for living room
Nanmu Wood Effect Marble Stone 1600x3200mm Slate Tiles for Luxury Villa projects compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Nanmu Wood Effect Marble Stone 1600x3200mm Slate Tiles for Luxury Villa projects can be customized according to your needs.
STATUARIO Rock Slate 1200x2600mm with whiteness 75 degree marble look tiles compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of STATUARIO Rock Slate 1200x2600mm with whiteness 75 degree marble look tiles can be customized according to your needs.
3D Digital Printing Rustic Timber Wooden Plank Look 200x1200 Floor Wood Tile Ceramic compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of 3D Digital Printing Rustic Timber Wooden Plank Look 200x1200 Floor Wood Tile Ceramic can be customized according to your needs.
Rough matt surface non-slip wood look porcelain tiles grey indoor wooden look antique glazed tile compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Rough matt surface non-slip wood look porcelain tiles grey indoor wooden look antique glazed tile can be customized according to your needs.
Foshan Factory Timber Wood Grain Finish Floor Wooden Look Wall Flooring Design Kajaria List Ceramic Tiles compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Foshan Factory Timber Wood Grain Finish Floor Wooden Look Wall Flooring Design Kajaria List Ceramic Tiles can be customized according to your needs.