Since established, MoCo Marble Tiles aims to provide outstanding and impressive solutions for our customers. We have established our own R&D center for product design and product development. We strictly follow the standard quality control processes to ensure our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. In addition, we provide after-sales services for customers throughout the whole world. Customers who want to know more about our new product tile panel or our company, just contact us.
Marble is a natural stone widely used in construction for centuries. Metamorphic rock derived from limestone, it consists of crystallized grains of calcite and dolomite. The noble material par excellence, marble is mainly used for the coating of floors and walls but also for the making of decorative elements such as shelves, sinks or tops of furniture. Depending on how you use it, you will need to treat the marble to protect it from various external aggressions.Marble is a hard and durable natural stone that has been used since ancient times. It radiates class and sophistication and is highly sought after as building material. Marble is made of limestone, and both share the same characteristics. Common colors for marbles are white and gray, but pink or red are also in the color palette. They are preferably used sweetened or polished, and the degree of gloss is subject to the intensity of use. Eight out of ten species can also be used outdoors.Marble is a very popular material because it has many advantages in its daily use. Very hard, it resists the passage of time and even tends to skate which accentuates, even more, its smooth and shiny appearance. Very easy to polish, the marble is declined in different finishes: glossy, aged or patinated. Despite all these qualities, the marble remains a fragile material because it is sensitive to water and shocks. It, therefore, asks to be protected with a water-repellent treatment every year, a vitrifying treatment to avoid infiltrations and a stain-resistant treatment. Also, note that marble is considered an expensive material.Being a material that is sensitive to stains and water, marble requires special care and requires specific maintenance. If someone wants to use marble tiles for their home, they need to avoid using products that are too acidic to clean or bleach them.Since it is one of the popular types of tile used in different areas of a house, you can have marble tiles in large quantity from reputable tiles manufacturers, suppliers, and companies at MoCo Marble Tiles. We have a huge selection of marble tiles vendors in our list above; you can select them and get a quote and know more about their products and companies.
Unlike a natural stone tile, a ceramic tile is treated by a factory. The base of a ceramic tile forms earth. This earth is baked at temperatures of 1000 - 1250 degrees Celsius. A good ceramic tile is also known as the most durable and user-friendly of all types of floors. To make the tile more solid, minerals are added, and a glaze layer that can be applied in all colors makes the tile water resistant. This tile is therefore practical in use but also certainly decorative.The raw materials that make the pottery come from the earth, so the result is a material of excellent quality thanks, among others, to the clay. In addition, of all this natural synergy we obtain a sustainable and resistant product, easy installation and with an endless of designs that make it the favorite of all the houses. They are thin, flat pieces made of clays, silica, fluxes, dyes and other raw materials. Ceramic tiles are very easy to maintain. Because the tile is baked at high temperature, the pores close up so that no dirt can settle between the tiles. There are different types of ceramic tiles with different characteristics according to their application.Ceramic tile is suitable for both floors and walls. Their regular shape allows them to be installed with hardly any space between them. It has a number of advantages, such as they are durable, easy to maintain, resistant to water and stains. Although they are also cold, hard and slippery, especially when they are wet, which makes them have less attractive spots.There are many benefits of using ceramic tiles and choosing one type, or another depends, among other things, on the location, the functions you will meet or what decorative value you will give to each stay, you must choose the best class for each result. So whatever your purpose of purchasing ceramic tiles may be, you can get them in large quantity through MoCo Marble Tiles. We let you conveniently buy ceramic tiles from renowned ceramic tiles manufacturers, suppliers and companies that are offering you latest designs, sizes and colors in high-quality ceramic tiles. Check out our range of ceramic tiles vendors above and connect with them to get quoted.
Unlike other ceramic tiles composed of several non-organic materials, porcelain tiles are made of a single material produced using a press system. Porcelain tiles are a combination of earth and clay pressed under high pressure and then baked under high temperatures. By pressing the tiles are often heavier than a tile with clay. However, they will be very abrasion resistant and frost proof. This type of tiling is often rectified, that is to say, intersected in the factory to an exact dimension for a better aesthetics and a minimum width of joints between the tiles. It is important to note that the enamel layer of this product makes it more sensitive to shocks.This material is the most versatile of all, it allows use both indoors and outdoors, and can be laid on walls or floors. They are very resistant, with a tension force of 2000 N and a material thickness of 15 mm, which can reach 8000 N. The porcelain is very dense, which makes its porosity negligible and its capacity to absorb the porcelain. Even though most of the porcelain tiles now on the market have much lower absorption levels (0.02 and 0.05%), we can have a Porcelain almost impermeable and very resistant to frost and temperature changes.There are different types of porcelain tiles; polished, unpolished, unglazed and enameled. The hardness of unpolished porcelain is higher than that of polished porcelain and is classified between 6 and 8 for the non-polished, 3 and 5 for the polished. The color of the porcelain tile is usually determined by changing the combination of soil and clay, but it is also possible to apply a layer of enamel or polish it. The moisture absorption of this tile is extremely low (values below 0.04%). These tiles have a high scratch resistance and are very suitable for the bathroom. It is more suitable for exteriors and interior areas like the kitchen, where it is more likely that heavy objects fall to the ground. It also has more hardness, and its back is grayish white.The tendency to use this material grows every day and, consequently, the range of formats also grows, but large sizes of tiles are entering the market faster, and we can see large sizes of tiles.Since they are used in different flooring applications, porcelain tiles are a must for different projects, and you can get tiles in bulk at MoCo Marble Tiles. We have a huge list of tiles manufacturers, suppliers, and companies that are willing to offer you impressive quality and quantity. So check out our list of tiles vendors above and select any of them to get quote and details about the products.
Tiles are a great source of providing your home with finest finishing and decorative touches that makes your home a paradise of your imagination. Tile accessories that we offer comes in a great range of exciting designs and durability makes it perfect for installation in different places of your home. Tiles accessories are commonly used in the covering of floors, roofs, walls, stairs and columns. Tiles come in different type of colors and designs that is placed on walls, roof and floors of different of home and offices. Tiles provide a very good pleasing look. Tiles accessories helps in installing and placing tiles on different parts of the home. Our range of tiles includes various type of and design of tiles that are used for home, offices, and schools.
从古至今,在我国使用天然石材进行建筑和装饰装修已拥有了悠久的历史,石材文化在我国亦有着深厚的底蕴。然而自上世纪九十年代至今,石材行业正在逐步陷入一种怪圈,那就是市面上大板的厚度越来越薄,从的20mm 足厚,到现在的15mm,甚至更薄到 12mm 。 并且,很多人认为板材的厚度多少对石材的产品质量没影响,因此,不把板材厚度当回事,现在市场上的大板厚度多在16mm上下,甚至更薄。难道大板的厚度对石材产品的质量真的没影响吗? 大理石薄板图片 答案显然并不是没有,现在已经开始出现了很多问题,比如: 1.安装好的地面板会开裂,甚至断裂。 2.安装在墙面上的板会变形、翘曲,稍受外力冲击就破烂了。 3.楼梯踏步板使用了一段时间后伸出去的前端缺了一块。 4.安装在市政广场的地面石材经常看到破损的,这里烂一块,那里成碎渣。 5.还有很多石材装饰的建筑物、市政广场、地铁、车站等人流密集的场所我们经常见到大量石材的破损。 可以说正是石材的厚度不够,才导致很多用石材装饰的建筑物出现大量破损。 现在很多石材装饰的建筑出现各种质量问题都与板材的厚薄有着直接关系,石材人应该警醒石材的厚度对石材产品质量的严重影响了,再这样发展下去,石材行业就是搬起石头砸自己的脚。 石材厚度对石材产品产生会有哪些影响? 1、板越薄,抗压能力越弱 岩石的强度是指岩石抵抗破坏的能力。 岩石在外力作用下,当应力达到某一极限值时便发生破坏,这个极限值就是岩石的强度。 当板材厚度越薄时,也就是说板材抗压能力越弱,板材越容易破损;反之,板材越厚,抗压能力越大,板材就越不容易断裂和破损。 在外载作用下,当岩石内部的应力达到或超过某一极限时,岩石就发生破坏。 因此由这个公式可以得出石材的抗压强度与板材的厚度直接相关的结论: 板材薄,抗压能力差,易破损。 板材厚,抗压能力强,板材不易破损。 2、石材厚度薄所带来的弊端 石材商家销售越来越薄的板已经成了一种潮流和趋势。 在水头的大多数大板市场普遍可见到那些低于16mm的大板,尤其是材质好,价格昂贵的石材商家更乐于把大板的厚度做薄。因为石材做的太厚了,大板的价格上升,顾客购买时嫌价格高影响销售。 把大板厚度做薄了可以解决这个矛盾,双方都愿意。 但这样做却给使用石材者带来了很多的恶果,给石材市场带来了很大的负面影响。 ①易碎裂 天然石材,尤其是很多天然大理石本身充满着裂纹,20mm厚度的板材都很容易断裂,破损,何况厚度远远不足 20mm的板材了。 因此,板材厚度不足带来的最明显的恶果是板材易碎裂、破损。 ②水泥等粘接剂的颜色会反渗 石材薄了,施工时水泥等粘接剂会通过石材的裂纹,通过石材表面本身的毛细孔反渗上来。 这种现象对白色类石材、有玉质感的石材和其它浅色石材表现最为明显。 当水泥等粘接剂材料的颜色反渗到石材表面时,会大大影响表面效果。使原本美丽的石材变得极其丑陋。 石材表面可见水泥颜色痕迹 这是因为水泥通过石材表面的裂纹反渗到了石材表面,如果石材厚度较厚的话,水泥是不可能反渗到石材表面的。 ③承载能力差 当年北京天安门广场的改造使用的花岗石厚度在100mm。之所以用这么厚的花岗石就是考虑到广场上人多,重型车要经过,使用如此厚的石材其承载能力大,不会在重压之下破损。 卢沟桥表面已经被马蹄踩出深窝,但没有任何一处出现破损,足见桥面石材承载能力之高。 ④抗冲击力弱 中国有句成语:不堪一击。形容力量薄弱,经不起一击。 “厚”与“薄”是意义相反的词,但对石材板材来说却有着不同的意义: 板材厚,其抗冲击能力强,反之板材薄其抗冲击能力弱。 ⑤易变形、翘曲 多年来使用人造岗石的消费者反映岗石变形、翘曲,尤其是大规格、长度长而宽度窄的岗石产品变形、翘曲更为严重。 原因分析来分析去,除人造岗石产品本身质量存在问题外,还有非常一个重要的原因是人造岗石板材的厚度不够。 人造岗石板材几乎所有的厂家为了降低大板的价格,在市场上有更高的竞争力,大板的厚度都在16.5mm。 板材16.5mm的厚度相比 20mm的板材,其抗弯强度低。 国内一家人造岗石生产企业向销售人员明文规定凡承接人造岗石地面板材订单板材厚度必须是20mm的。 客户非要用16.5mm厚度的板材做地面时,销售人员可以拒绝这种项目。与其事后处理那些人造岗石厚度过薄带来的各种问题,不如事先提出石材厚度标准,以免施工后石材出现变形、翘曲等质量问题。 ⑥尺寸稳定性差 尺寸稳定性是指材料在受机械力、热或其他外界条件作用下,其外形尺寸不发生变化的性能。 尺寸稳定性是衡量石材产品质量一个很重要的工艺技术指标。 尺寸稳定性与石材的厚度有着关系: 板材厚度厚,尺寸稳定性相对好 板材薄,尺寸稳定性差 3、建筑场所要特别重视石材厚度 本文中已经阐述了板材厚度对石材产品质量的影响。 建筑物装饰中究竟使用哪种厚度的石材装饰更好,应该具体情况具体分析,不能一概而论。 ①外墙产品与室内产品的厚度要不同对待 上世纪九十年代,石材外墙花岗石、大理石板材的厚度不低于30mm。随着时代的向前推进,石材外墙花岗石材产品的厚度变成了 25mm,有的项目甚至连大理石厚度都变成了25mm 。 外墙产品厚度的变薄从力学角度来评价意味着抗风载、抗冲击能力、抗弯能力都在下降,也意味着用石材装饰的建筑物充满着各种安全风险。只要条件具备了,隐藏着的安全风险随时可能爆发,导致严重安全事故的发生。 ②花岗石,大理石产品厚度要有所区分 从岩石的理化性质看,大理石的强度、表面致密性、吸水率和其它理化指标均要落后于花岗石。 因此,不论是外墙石材还是室内石材,大理石产品厚度都要比花岗石产品厚才更安全可靠。 ③台面板挖孔与不挖孔产品厚度应该不同 台面板产品越来越多地应用在建筑物的装饰上,从星级酒店、写字楼,政府机关办公楼,家庭住宅处处可见台面板的身影,台面板的厚度对台面板安全影响很大。 台面板有挖孔台面板和不挖孔台面板。 台面板挖孔与不挖孔的方式决定台面板的厚度。 挖孔台面板的板材厚度应该大于不挖孔台面板。因为台面板挖了孔后,台面板的强度大大降低,可以通过增加台面板的厚度来提高台面板的强度。 但提高台面板的强度虽然也可以通过加固方式来提高强度,但工艺方法复杂了,不如通过适当提高台面板的厚度来提高台面板整体强度。 18mm厚度以下的大理石最好不要用于台面板的加工。 ④台面板产品安装方式不同厚度应不一样 台面板的安装方式决定了加工台面板板材的厚度。 台面板采用支架式安装方式的,因为台面板依靠几个支撑架来支撑台面板,无支撑架支撑处是台面板最薄弱处,在受到外力或重物压力作用下容易受到破坏,导致产品破碎。 支撑式安装所使用的台面板厚度要厚于台面板整体铺在实体上的厚度。图4为悬空式台面板。这种安装方式的台面板厚度要厚于非悬空式安装的台面板。因为悬空处是台面板受力最薄弱处,在受外力或在重物作用下极易从悬空处断裂,破损。 ⑤楼梯踏步产品应采用不低于30m厚度的石材加工 在很多地方看到很多石材装饰的楼梯踏步板开裂、前端破损的。最主要的原因是楼梯踏步板的厚度太薄导致的。 而目前中国很多建筑物的楼梯踏步板多用厚度不足20mm的板材加工的,有的甚至只有 15mm的板材加工,只有通过加贴边的方式加厚石材。用这种方式加工出来的楼梯踏步板强度怎么可能不断裂和破损呢? 目前,建筑物装饰对于使用石材的厚度没有绝对的规定。很多厂家和商家为了获得更多的利润,就从石材的厚度上动歪脑筋, 然石材过薄的弊端已经在市场上成越演越烈之趋势,为了制止这种不正当的商业行为,石材人都应该警醒, 不能贪图眼前一时之列,将石材做薄到损害到了客户的利益,影响了 整个石材行业的 名声 。 文章链接来源
Tags: porcelain stone floor tiles, large slab porcelain, stone look ceramic tile, stone tiles outdoor, stone wall tiles for living room
Nanmu Wood Effect Marble Stone 1600x3200mm Slate Tiles for Luxury Villa projects compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Nanmu Wood Effect Marble Stone 1600x3200mm Slate Tiles for Luxury Villa projects can be customized according to your needs.
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Rough matt surface non-slip wood look porcelain tiles grey indoor wooden look antique glazed tile compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Rough matt surface non-slip wood look porcelain tiles grey indoor wooden look antique glazed tile can be customized according to your needs.
Foshan Factory Timber Wood Grain Finish Floor Wooden Look Wall Flooring Design Kajaria List Ceramic Tiles compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Foshan Factory Timber Wood Grain Finish Floor Wooden Look Wall Flooring Design Kajaria List Ceramic Tiles can be customized according to your needs.