Since established, MoCo Marble Tiles aims to provide outstanding and impressive solutions for our customers. We have established our own R&D center for product design and product development. We strictly follow the standard quality control processes to ensure our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. In addition, we provide after-sales services for customers throughout the whole world. Customers who want to know more about our new product Aluminium Profile or our company, just contact us.
Customer Profile-part of their sales strategy is a conscious effort not to sell most of the capacity to any one customer. If a job looks like it will take up too much of our capacity, we won\'t be able to quote it as competitively as some companies do, Ellis said. Anything that exceeds 20% of total sales, we will double check to make sure it makes sense for us.
One more step now: assemble the x-axis! The Y. Using two synchronous stepping motors, the shaft moves along the longer side of the frame. Now, we should assemble the support X-Axis and laser head group, Keep Y-on both sides-Fully aligned shaft motor. To complete this step, you will use: four M4 Allen screws ,(last)X-aluminum profile bracket
Did I mention how great is the Epilog Laser cutter? Anyhow. . . If you don\'t have a laser cutter, unlike us at Instructables, you can download the file and print it on paper. Cut the circular profile from the paper and tape it onto the acrylic as a guide. When necessary, drill holes on acrylic resin using an electric drill and cut the profile with a jigsaw puzzle (or similar).
For example, in Eagle, you can generate it by selecting run ULP from the File menu. . . \"And select drillaid. ulp. (Set the center-hole size to 0. )This produces all the images. Hole of 116 layer. (8)To output several files (Plate profile, top copper, bottom copper and holes)In a format that the graphics program can view.
天然大理石与大理石瓷砖的主要区别是;天然大理石属于石材,大理石瓷砖属于瓷砖。天然大理石属于正品 ,大理石瓷砖属于高仿系列。 那么天然大理石与大理石瓷砖对比有何明显差别? 1;绿色环保性 在环保健康方面,仿大理石瓷砖的主要成分为多为花岗岩或大理石的碎石为填充物,用水泥、石膏和不饱和聚 酯树脂为粘剂,经搅拌成型、研磨和抛光后制成,其生产过程中或多或少都会掺杂 各种化学物质。而大理石属 于沉积岩,主要由碳酸盐矿物组成,从大理石形成的地质过程分析,天然大理石的形成均与放射性物质没有直接关 联。通过精准的切割、打磨抛光等工艺,将大自 然100%纯粹石材展现在您面前。绿色环保,对人体危害极低。 2;品质不可代替性 在运用过程中,仿大理石瓷砖远观形似,近看就 缺乏神韵,甚至还能看到人工印刷的痕迹。而天然大理石质地 非常好,哪怕你拿放大镜去细细研读都会觉得赏心悦目,细腻清晰地展现大自然的 精彩。奢华大气,纹路自然 灵动,质感浑然天成,更多追求的是天然的美。正是这种自然天成的存在是人造材料不可比拟的。这也是为 什么高 档场所看不到高仿大理石瓷砖的痕迹,真正懂 味的消费者,怎可以容许有高仿的存在。若豪宅缺少了 大理石,或许也会缺乏豪的气势。 天然大理石,是通过世上独一无二的灰白色系大 理石切割而成,每一块大理石都拥有一个独立 的“身份证” ,一个不可复制的纹案,一个不可取代的玉质感。 3;其纹理不可代替性 仿大理石瓷砖这种流水线生产出来的工业品,如 终无法逃脱机器操作的印记,因为每9块瓷砖就有两块是99% 的高度相似。而所谓的“仿大理瓷砖”,其操作流程却是赤裸裸的复刻过程 过挑选优质美观的大理石进行高 精度扫描获得面图案,再通过工业喷墨打印技术复制在瓷砖体上,从而形成了表面纹理类似大理石的瓷砖。 然而,这种纹理注定是呆板的、没有灵气的。 大理石的美,首先体现在其独一无二的天然纹理,而每一条细纹、每一道印记,都承载着大自然演变的踪迹, 无论是化石,亦或是再普通寻常 的大理石,其在形成过程中,都有着不平凡的过 去,或悲壮,或舒缓,或宁静, 都会在纹路上体现出来。 4;使用寿命性,可塑性强 纵观国内外历史悠久的建筑物,从古希腊罗马的 神庙到中世纪欧洲贵族的城堡,大都与大理石有关。而仿大理石瓷砖的纹理在于表面的釉面,磨 损后无法修复,只能全部拆除重新铺贴。 天然大理石经过拉丝倒角等加工后,依然能保持 花纹美观,而仿大理石瓷砖除去表面花纹后,露出的胚体影响 整体美观。同时,大理石不仅可被 用于铺地、铺墙等基础裝饰,还可被制作成卫浴产品、茶几、厨房台面、 艺术摆件,甚至餐饮餐具等等。在设计师的手中,大理石演化为一种素材,在创作灵感的驱动下,被打磨成各 种与生活息息相关的物件。 大理石瓷砖效果 天然大理石效果
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