Since established, MoCo Marble Tiles aims to provide outstanding and impressive solutions for our customers. We have established our own R&D center for product design and product development. We strictly follow the standard quality control processes to ensure our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. In addition, we provide after-sales services for customers throughout the whole world. Customers who want to know more about our new product glazed ceramic tiles or our company, just contact us.
Tiles are a great source of providing your home with finest finishing and decorative touches that makes your home a paradise of your imagination. Tile accessories that we offer comes in a great range of exciting designs and durability makes it perfect for installation in different places of your home. Tiles accessories are commonly used in the covering of floors, roofs, walls, stairs and columns. Tiles come in different type of colors and designs that is placed on walls, roof and floors of different of home and offices. Tiles provide a very good pleasing look. Tiles accessories helps in installing and placing tiles on different parts of the home. Our range of tiles includes various type of and design of tiles that are used for home, offices, and schools.
Mosaic tiles are timeless and are being applied more and more. You can use them as an accent wall in the bathroom or the toilet, but in the living room or the kitchen, the mosaic tile cannot be ignored. Not only on the walls but also on the floors they are still used. Here we think of shower floors or a room in a hall or living room.Mosaic tiles are also perfect for combining with ordinary tiles. Mosaic is increasingly used in living rooms and businesses. There is a space choice of mosaic tiles, and therefore there is a lot to vary. Mosaic tiles also exist in different sizes. For a modern or sleek design, it is usually chosen for glass and ceramic mosaics. To create a classic atmosphere, natural stone mosaic tiles can be used again. With mosaic tiles, you can vary endlessly. Not only in size and style, but also in pattern and color. For example, a mosaic is known for displaying beautiful figures.Mosaic tiles are available in different types. Here you can think of ceramic, hard stone, marble, slate, travertine and glass mosaic. Mosaic tiles are also perfect for combining with ordinary tiles. Mosaic is increasingly used in living rooms and businesses. There is a space choice of mosaic tiles, and therefore there is a lot to vary with. Mosaic tiles also exist in different sizes. For a modern or sleek design, it is usually chosen for glass and ceramic mosaics. To create a classic atmosphere, natural stone mosaic tiles can be used again. With mosaic tiles, you can vary endlessly. Not only in size and style, but also in pattern and color. Using different colors allows you to obtain the pattern as desired. Mosaic is not only very decorative but also very practical. It is easy to take and therefore very hygienic. Also, a mosaic tile is moisture-proof, so that moisture cannot penetrate the walls.Mosaic are small tiles, which have a lasting decorative added value. The most important aspect of mosaic tiles is their decorative character. Mosaic tiles come in several versions, including ceramic mosaics, glass mosaics, natural stone mosaics. As far as finishes and colors are concerned, there is a broad range of products in different price categories. So if you’re looking for premium quality mosaic tiles for flooring projects then go through our list of popular mosaic tiles manufacturers and suppliers above and get a quote to know more. Now you can buy mosaic tiles in bulk through MoCo Marble Tiles without any difficulties.
Ceiling tiles are decorative pieces of tiles, attached to the ceiling to add aesthetic value to a space. Ceiling tiles may look hard to install but they are actually quite simple. You can find ceiling tiles of any designs or customize them yourself. Different colors, textures, sizes, there’s plenty to choose from. If you’re looking to make your space unique and add a wow factor, visit to connect with the best manufacturers and suppliers of ceiling tiles from around the globe. had made your path easier, by bringing all the information and products you may need a few clicks away from you. All you have to do is get in touch with the suppliers from MoCo Marble Tiles and order your favorites.
Whether it's for the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room or the corridors, more and more people are choosing tiles to decorate their home. But the choice in terms of tiles is vast, and it is sometimes difficult to decide before starting work. The selection of tiles depends on several parameters to be taken into accounts such as personal tastes, the overall harmony of the house or price.In general, the aesthetics of a tile means that the size of the joints must be proportionally decreasing to the size of the tile. For example, a small tile will have proportionally thicker joints than a big tile joint that will be thicker but proportionally less. The two most common types of tiles are natural stone tiles and ceramic tiles. In addition, you also have the choice to go for cement tiles. Among natural stone tiles and ceramic tiles are various types of tiles of different materials, sizes and thicknesses that increase or decrease the price. These two types of tiles come in a variety of ways, the prices differ, the tiles have a different look, and the degree of maintenance differs. You probably want to enjoy the chosen tile for years, so it's wise to explore the pros and cons of both types of tiles.Then there are floor tiles that offer an easy maintenance to the every day, resistance, optimal hygiene and it, therefore, folds to all destinations, even the most unusual.There are also wall tiles that fit remarkably well to the rooms of water, as well for the bathroom as the kitchen. It offers an effective protection against infiltrations and doubles on one aesthetic side. Apart from the mosaic or natural stone, there are two main categories of wall tiles: earthenware and porcelain stoneware.Curious about what the most suitable tile is for your space and what is the cost of placing tiles? Request quotes with authentic tiles manufacturers and suppliers at MoCo Marble Tiles, free of charge and without any obligation. They can provide you with customized information that makes your search for the best matching tile easier. Check out our range of tiles suppliers and manufacturers above and get the best quality tiles in bulk.
天然大理石开采流程及加工工艺 大理石板材加工包含;荒料挑选、大锯切割、背网、粗磨、正面刮胶、镜面磨光、修边、防水、倒边、排版、酸洗面、检验、防护、包装等程序。1、荒料选择荒料的选择,直接关系到成品大板的出板率及规格板的加工。在上料切割时,需要通过修边看清荒料纹理质地,如有裂纹不适合切割平板,可用于切割线条异型材料等。2、切割荒料挑选完毕后,经过大锯的切割变成大板,大锯切割大板的厚度可以调整,常规厚度16mm 17mm 18mm20mm,薄板有12mm 10mm,加厚板厚度25mm 30mm 50mm70mm等等。3、背网天然大理石材因为纹理原因,部分大理石有裂纹,下锯后对其背部进行背网,上树脂或AB胶进行加固处理。当然板面不裂的大理石也可以进行背网,背网能有效加强板面硬度,特别是长途输运或出口的板材都是需要背网的。4、刮胶通过背网后的板材需要晾干,最后对大板进行刮胶,以保证成品板的缝隙填实且色泽一致。5、磨光板面磨光分单面磨合正反磨两种,一般都是采用正反磨,正反磨的大理石板面可以很好对拼成不同纹路的背景墙。6修边-切割通过桥切可对大板修边,也可切割成各尺寸的规格板,如果需要切割圆形或不规则图形的需要用到水刀。7、防水切割好的规格板有很多都需要做防水,价格一般5元一平方左右,有效防止水和胶渗透到板面里,减少石材病变。8、倒边倒边工艺有很多种,半切、弧形、鸭嘴型等。9、排版规格板成型后,需要对其进行按部位、尺寸、花纹等进行初步排版,对弈次等品需要跟换。10、板面工艺大理石有很多不同的表面处理工艺,水洗面是利用水的冲力,让本来光面的石材变成麻面。火烧面利用猛火喷烧板面,让石材晶体爆裂变麻面。酸洗面采用稀盐酸冲洗板面,让光面达到麻面。11、打包、防护成品的规格板加工完毕后,根据部位分类包装。包装时,石材与石材间用泡沫板完全隔开,以防止运输过程中,石材碰撞、破裂。
Tags: porcelain stone floor tiles, large slab porcelain, stone look ceramic tile, stone tiles outdoor, stone wall tiles for living room
Nanmu Wood Effect Marble Stone 1600x3200mm Slate Tiles for Luxury Villa projects compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Nanmu Wood Effect Marble Stone 1600x3200mm Slate Tiles for Luxury Villa projects can be customized according to your needs.
STATUARIO Rock Slate 1200x2600mm with whiteness 75 degree marble look tiles compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of STATUARIO Rock Slate 1200x2600mm with whiteness 75 degree marble look tiles can be customized according to your needs.
3D Digital Printing Rustic Timber Wooden Plank Look 200x1200 Floor Wood Tile Ceramic compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of 3D Digital Printing Rustic Timber Wooden Plank Look 200x1200 Floor Wood Tile Ceramic can be customized according to your needs.
Rough matt surface non-slip wood look porcelain tiles grey indoor wooden look antique glazed tile compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Rough matt surface non-slip wood look porcelain tiles grey indoor wooden look antique glazed tile can be customized according to your needs.
Foshan Factory Timber Wood Grain Finish Floor Wooden Look Wall Flooring Design Kajaria List Ceramic Tiles compared with similar products on the market, it has incomparable outstanding advantages in terms of performance, quality, appearance, etc., and enjoys a good reputation in the market.MoCo Surfaces & Ceramica summarizes the defects of past products, and continuously improves them. The specifications of Foshan Factory Timber Wood Grain Finish Floor Wooden Look Wall Flooring Design Kajaria List Ceramic Tiles can be customized according to your needs.